Frederick Kempster - 7 feet 9.3 inches (237 cm)
Frederick John Kempster
13 April 1889 - 15 April 1918
by James Kempster, revised January 2011
Frederick Kempster was the sixth of seven children born to Joseph Kempster (1847-1897) and Jane Kempster (1849-1923). He was born on 13 April 1889 in Bayswater, London England where his father worked as a milk carrier for the Aylesbury Dairy Company. As this registry entry shows, he was baptised on 9 June 1889 at the local church. His younger brother George, who was my grandfather, was born on 21 August 1895.
On 25 December 1897, Joseph died of asthma and bronchitis at age 50. His wife Jane was left to support their three youngest children, Susan aged 12, Frederick aged 8, and George aged 2. Jane tried to earn a living doing housework and laundry. She moved her family to a one room apartment in Islington, but she could not earn enough, got behind in the rent and was evicted. At this point, Susan was taken in by her eldest sister Emily (Kempster) Sims and her husband, and Jane applied for help at Barnardo's Commercial Street Shelter in the East End of London for the two boys, so she could find employment in domestic service. The boys were admitted
to Barnardo's on 10 September 1898, at which time both boys were reported to be in good health, and the 9 year old
Frederick's height is reported at just over 4 feet. Barnardo's, like many other child care organisations, believed that there were better opportunities for the children in Canada. Many tens of thousands of boys and girls were sent here to work as farm labourers or domestic servants. The quality of their lives depended on the employers with which they were placed. Most lost all contact with their families back in England, and their siblings. This is true of my grandfather George, who knew far less about his family to the end of his days than I do today.
When the boys came into Barnardo's care in September 1898, they were placed in the Receiving House in Stepney, East London. On 14 October 1898, Frederick moved to Barnardo's Leopold House in Stepney. On 23 March 1899 he sailed to Canada on board the SS Scotsman, arriving at St. John on
3 April 1899. In October of that year he was placed with a Mr. Allen in the mid-western Canadian province of Manitoba. He would spend the next 5 years in Manitoba, where the intense winter cold must have been quite a shock to a young English boy.
On 12 November 1904, Frederick returned to England on board the SS Canada because he was unfit for farm labour. When he arrived in England on 21 November 1904, he was said to be suffering from a weak condition of the knees due to congenital weakness and lengthening of the internal lateral ligaments of the knee joints and growth on the upper end of the tibia. Frederick's development into a “giant” had begun while in Canada. An operation was performed at Her Majesty's Hospital in Stepney.
This was a children's hospital operated by Barnardo's. Frederick would have a lame left leg for the rest of his life, and the special support shoe on his left foot can be seen in his photographs. On 7 April 1905, he was able to return to work at Barnardo's Youth Labour House at Commercial Road, East London. On 22 March 1911, replying to a letter from his mother Jane, Barnardo's reported that Frederick was living at their Boy's Garden City at Woodford Bridge, Essex where he worked as a basketmaker. This information is confirmed by the news articles reporting the “Parade of Giants” planned as part of the celebrations for the coronation of King George V that year.
The attention he received from the press and public must have been Frederick's first indication that his unusual height might be a means to make a living. In June 1911, he got a job with Astley & Co.'s American Circus at Chigwell in Essex. In August 1911, he visited Barnardo's and reported he was in partnership with a travelling circus, and was doing well. This seems to be the end of his association with Barnardo's, according to their records. However, at some time before 1920, Barnardo's published a set of at least 4 postcards featuring images of Frederick, and noting that the former Barnardo lad was now probably the tallest man in the world. Other postcards showing Frederick can be viewed in his gallery on TheTallestMan.com website.
In the years between 1911 and 1914, when not on tour with the circus, Frederick lived with or near his
sisters in Essex. For a while he lived at Landermere, near Thorpe-le-Soken in Essex, near the home of his
sister Susan, now Susan Woods who lived in Lexden. Photographs from this period show Frederick and his
mother Jane taken in front of The King's Head public house at Landermere Quay. Local lore says that
Frederick lived in a cottage partly constructed from an old boat. Another sister Ruth Rayner lived at
nearby Bury St. Edmunds, and Frederick would spend much time with her family during wartime.
Newspaper reports from these years can help track his life, but his reported age and height are not
reliable. Dated articles are quite rare.
This photograph was published in The Toronto Daily News (Toronto, Canada) on Saturday,
13 December 1913. It was taken at Bath, England. He is reported to be 23 years old (he's actually 24).
His height is said to be 7 feet 9 ½ inches in his stocking feet. He weighs 322 pounds, and can reach to a height
of 12 feet 3 inches. He measures 30 inches across the chest, and is still growing.
Several other photographs of Frederick can be accurately dated to this period and the city of Bath.
His sister Ruth had moved to Bath by this time. Her husband James worked there as a gardener. Their
daughter Edith was born in Bath in the first quarter of 1913, and a family portrait of Frederick with the
Rayners shows the baby Edith sitting on Frederick's lap. Also, the well-known picture of Frederick lighting
his cigarette from a street lamp was taken at Bath in September to December 1913. ( the partial date
“ber 1913” can be read on the back of the clipping )
The text of the newspaper
clipping says that he
stands 7 feet 9 ¼ inches,
measures 11 inches from
wrist to tip of fingers,
has a 50 inch chest, and
can span 16 notes with
one hand on a piano
keyboard. He also claims
that a man 6 feet 2 inches
tall can walk under his
outstretched arms.
The exact date of Frederick's first exhibition trip to the continent has not yet been determined. This photograph shows him in front of the Passage Panopticum in Berlin. He appears quite young. It probably dates to 1912 or 1913. It is quite
faint in the image, but the words
Teddy Bobs can be seen on the poster over his right shoulder. This was his stage-name while travelling in Germany with Otto Heineman.
A copy of this photo hangs in the pub in Worton, Wiltshire where Frederick lived for a short time.
Here is the text from an interview with Frederick that appeared in the British newspaper The Daily Mail in September 1914.
When the Continental train steamed into Victoria Station, Mr. Frederick John Kempster was occupying with his huge form the whole of one side of a compartment. The hood of a taxicab had to be raised before he could enter, and when he reached The Daily Mail office he had to remove his hat and stoop in the lift. He is 21 years of age. His height is 8 feet 2 1/2 inches, and he is known as “the Bayswater Giant” He gave the following account of his experiences in Berlin:-
“ I was a member of a touring theatrical company which began to travel in Germany last March. I was the giant, and “took” very well. With us were a giantess, midgets, and a legless dwarf who made rings with his mouth. On August 1, when we were in Dresden, the police came to the hall and ordered all the German and Austrian members of the company to the barracks. They said nothing to us, but my manager Mr. Hotter Heineman, an American, saw the state of things and advised us to live quietly.
“ There were five of us left:- Mr. Goy, the legless dwarf, his wife, Mr. Gentry his attendant, Mr. Heineman, and myself. On Sunday August 16 we left for Berlin. Being British, we anticipated difficulty at the station, but Mr. Heineman went first and showed his American passport, and then we followed, each saying 'Amerikane' (American) . Arriving in Berlin on Monday, we drove to Charlottenburg, where we stayed in a back street. Our room was a large one on the first floor.
“ The landlady made us sign the customary police form, and then the police came – an inspector and a detective. They took names, date of birth, etc., and told us not to attempt to leave without their permission, as we were prisoners. But they were very agreeable over it all, and shook hands with us when they left. They pulled down the blinds and forbade us even to look out, much less to leave the house.
“ After a fortnight the police gave us permission to open the windows a little and pull the blinds up, but they forbade us to speak very loudly as they feared the people might attack us. We played cards and dominoes, and occasionally the police lieutenant brought his wife and children to see us.
“ We lived like that for a month, till Monday last, when they provided a carriage to drive us to the Ministry of War. I saw many wounded in the churches and on crutches in the streets. Formalities were complied with, and we journeyed through Holland. The real reason for our release I suppose, was our inability to bear arms. “
Notes about the interview:
The reference to “Sunday, August 16” fixes the year as 1914, as that is the only year in that era having that date.
The dates mentioned by Frederick are worth a closer look. Frederick's tour began in March 1914. The assassination in Sarajavo of the Austrian crown prince occurred on June 28. For the next month, Austria tried unsuccessfully to invade Serbia. On August 1, when Frederick reports being in Dresden, Russia pledged to support Serbia in the fight against Austria, and later that same day, Germany declared war on Russia. On August 3, Germany declared war on France who had sided with her ally Russia. On August 4, Germany invaded neutral Belgium, claiming that it was essential that they defeat France as quickly as possible or risk total annihilation, and the fastest way to France is through Belgium. The same day, Britain declared war on Germany in support of her ally Belgium, and the United States declared itself to be neutral. Despite all of this, on August 16, the little theatrical company left for Berlin!
Frederick states that they arrived in Charlottenburg and house arrest on Monday, August 17. If one month of house arrest means four weeks, then they remained at the house until Monday September 14, which Frederick refers to as “Monday last” in his report. So the newspaper interview took place during the week of September 21 – 26, 1914.
A promotional postcard and a newspaper picture must both date to this period. In both images he is wearing a costume/uniform that is quite distinctive, and carries a large baton. The postcard is printed in German, and gives his stage-name as “Teddy Bobs”. The back of the postcard reveals that it was printed by Otto Heineman, his manager named in the newspaper interview. The newspaper article was published in Bath in 1914, and again shows him in that costume. Whether the picture was taken in Germany, or at Bath after his return from Germany has not yet been determined. I suspect that it was taken in Germany two months after he had been in Bath, and the headline refers to the extreme difference in his claimed height now that he is on tour with a manager, and the height they had seen so recently.
Another newspaper story concerning
Frederick's disappearance appeared in The New
York Times on 16 September 1914, exactly two
days after he reports being released by German
authorities. Although his name is misspelled, his
stage-name “Teddy Bobs” is again mentioned.
Note that he is said to be 8 feet tall.
Frederick again appeared in newspapers
worldwide when military recruiters found him
working at The Barge Inn in Seend Cleeve, Wiltshire.
The inn was operated by his sister Ruth Rayner
and her husband Jim. The two articles shown below
contain slightly different details, so I am including both of them.
The article on the left was publishedon 23 December 1916.
Both articles are from newspapers in New Zealand.
The next reliable dates we have for Frederick come
from reports of his hospital stay in 1917. The newspaper
article shown at right is from the Ohinemuri Gazette from New Zealand, and is dated 19 September 1917. Many of
the details in his account are inaccurate. Reporters may
have embellished the facts to make it more interesting for
their readers. The discription of his family is mostly
The photograph below was clipped from an
English paper, and reports the same incident.
It is undated.
This obituary was clipped from a Wiltshire, England
newspaper. Frederick died in Blackburn on 15 April 1918
from pneumonia. Both his height and his internment
are exaggerated in his final newspaper appearance.
More images of Frederick Kempster
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
From the book: Lancashire magic & mystery: secrets of the Red Rose County By Kenneth Fields
Frederick Kempster touring Germany as Teddy Bobs
Notes on a giant, William Robinson.
Frederick Kempster standing outside The Kings Head pub in Landermere, near Thorpe Le Soken, Essex. The woman on the photo MAY be Frederick's sister Susan who lived only 5 miles from the Kings Head pub at the time.
This is the original photo used for Dr. Barnardo's postcard above. In front of the same pub as the previous image, obviously supplied by the Colchester Brewing Company.
A very rare photo of Frederick Kempster and Albert Brough

Frederick Kempster's ring which he can be seen wearing here and here.
The same ring photographed by a family member with an old English penny to verify the stories about Frederick amusing people by passing a penny through the ring. Note that the date of the penny is 1918.
From the Detroit Free Press, dated 17 June 1917.
Caption reads: "Teddy Robbs, the tallest man! The youthful Teddy, measuring at a respectable height of 251 cm., is just entering a carriage. It's a good thing that the carriage has an open top!"
Caption bottom left: "England's tallest son. It's Frederick Kempster, picture above with his friends. As a sidenote, we can tell you that his hands can easily cover 16 keys on the piano."
Caption middle right: "A man who can light his sigar from a lightpost. This lucky mortal is called Frederick Kempster, is 20 years old and born in London. He is almost 8 feet tall and 125 cm. around the chest. He is invaluable in the houshold as he can reach 12 feet high. He is depicted above, while a friend gives him a light."
The unfeasibly large long johns and night shirt of a man known as the “English Giant” have been discovered by the family of one of his old friends
Medical articles about Frederick Kempster
Uber Zwergwuchs und Riesenwuchs by Alfred Gigon, Basel. German language.
Case of Acromegalic Gigantism.
More information about Frederick Kempster:
Internet articles/websites about Frederick Kempster
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02-05-2012: Newspaper clipping(s) about Robert Wadlow, General Articles, Arthur James Caley and John Middleton added.
01-05-2012: Newspaper clipping(s) about Frederick Kempster, Henry Alexander Cooper, Franz Winkelmeier, Jarda Marek and Jack Earle added.
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Acromegalic gigantism, physicians and body snatching. Past or present? by Professor Wouter W. de Herder added.
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Image(s) of Robert Wadlow - later years, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Mounir Fourar, Mark Eaton and Frederick Kempster added. Video(s) of Kaliova Seleiwau and Lock Martin added.
Image(s) of Chuck Nevitt, Lock Martin, Naseer Soomro, Haq Nawaz, Zainab Bibi, Ramazan Karageyik and Jean-Joseph Brice added.
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Video(s) of Bao Xi Shun and Zhang Jun-Cai added.
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Morteza Mehrzad has been upgraded to 8 feet and 1 inch tall as discussed in this thread on our discussion forum.
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Image(s) of Montana Hank, Henry Johnson, Captain John Creech, Jan Kruminsh, Ijaz Ahmed and Bob Wegner added. Video(s) of Brahim Takioullah and Babu added.
R.I.P. Suparwono.
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Image(s) of Feodor Machnow added. Newspaper clipping(s) about Louis Frenz and Angelina Melius added.
Page for Benjamin Harrison added. Video(s) of Neil Fingleton added.
Image(s) of Ijaz Ahmed and Felipe Birriel Fernández added.
[....some older news snipped....]
17-06-2009: Installed discussion forum. You can join it here...
12-06-2009: Started building the website.