Daniel Cajanus - 7 feet 4.5 inches (224.8 cm)
The life of Daniel Cajanus
Adapted from: “Daniel Cajanus (1702/03-1749): de reconstructie van een reus”, written in Dutch by Bert C. Sliggers in: “Haerlem Jaarboek 1978”, published by Schuyt & CO C.V., Haarlem, the Netherlands in 1979, ISBN 90.6097.114.0. and from “De Tentoongestelde Mens, Reuzen, Dwergen en Andere Wonderen der Natuur”, written in Dutch and edited by Bert C. Sliggers and A.A. Wertheim, published by Walburg Pers, Zutphen in 1993, ISBN 90.6011.833.2.
Most of the following is based on documentation of the city archives of Haarlem and Amsterdam, the Netherlands and information supplied by Mrs. M. Tamminen, National Committee for History and Historic Monuments, Helsinki, Finland.
Pictures of Cajanus
2 paintings of Cajanus still exist:
1. Enoch Seeman (1694/95-1744) has painted the qualitatively best one in 1734. The painting measuring 315 x 183 cm (10 feet 4 inches x 6 feet) was presumably commissioned by John, Count of Montague, living in Boughton House in Kettering, England. The portrait presumably moved to Dalkeith House in Scotland after the marriage of the granddaughter of John Montague and the count of Buccleuch. It is presently exhibited in the National Museum of Finland in Helsinki, Finland, which possesses the painting since 1975. It shows Cajanus in a military outfit with braiding, turban and a fur coat. On the stone next to him is written: “Caianus, born in Lapland who was in London 1734. His hight is 7 foot and 10 inc. ae 28, E. Seeman pinx. 1734” If you visit your local library and pick up some textbooks on Art History, you can learn a lot more about these painting and the painter. There is also a lot of useful information on the Internet to do a little more research.
Enoch Seeman, 1734
2. The other painting is by B. Brand and measures 310 x 170 cm (10 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 7 inches). After Daniel Cajanus’ death it was first exhibited as a tribute to him in the “Proveniershuis”, the charitable institution where he stayed the last part of his life in Haarlem, the Netherlands. In the 19th century, it was exhibited in the “Gravenzaal” of the city hall of Haarlem. It then moved to the church of the village of Spaarnwoude, the Netherlands, where another famous Dutch giant, Klaes van Keyten had been living in the 13th century. After a major restoration in 1960 it is presently exhibited in the “Brouwers-chapel” of the St. Bavo church in Haarlem, the Netherlands. It shows Daniel Cajanus in a red coat, wearing a hat with a plume and boots with buckles and carrying a sword.
B. Brand
The length of Cajanus
On the Enoch Seeman painting the length of Daniel Cajanus at the age of 28 years! (according to Dutch sources he was born in 1702 and according to Finnish sources in 1703, implicating that he was 31/32 years old when the painting was made) is 7 foot and 10 inches, approximately 2.35 m.
In an obituary in the newspaper “Opregte Haerlemse Courant” (Haarlem, the Netherlands) in 1749 and in a manuscript from J. Marchant written in 1751 his length is 2.60 m (8 feet 6 inches). J.W. Stuffers stated in 1915 that his length was 2.64 m (8 feet 8 inches). which matches a marble marking on one of the pillars in the Grote kerk = St Bavo kerk (kerk = church) in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Amsterdam and Rijnland (Rhineland) feet differ approximately 3 cm (1 inch), which can explain these differences in length.
Finland 1702/03 – 1723
The grandfather of Daniel Cajanus, Jeremias Gyllenhierta, was chief of police in the district of Paltamo in the county of Kajaani. In Swedish Kajaani is Cajanus. The noble family of Gyllenhierta had settled in the county of Kajaani in the 16th century. Descendants either used the name Cajanus, Kajanus or Cajaner. Since that time, descendants of the Cajanus family have been living in Finland, Sweden, Belgium and Germany. Among them was the Swedish composer - orchestra director Robert Kajanus (1856-1933).
The father of Cajanus, Anders was one of 4 children. He studied theology at the university of Turku (in Swedish: Abo). He finished his studies in 1694 and settled as a Lutheran clergyman in Paltamo. He was married with Anna Sculptorius, daughter of a clergyman. They had (7 or) 8 children: Johan, Anders, Jeremias, Jöran, Gustaf, Maria, Agneta? and Daniel. Daniel was the youngest. He was born in 1703 in Paltamo. His parents and all the other children were of normal length.
From 1696 - 1697 there was severe starvation and poverty in Finland.
From 1700 - 1722 there was a war between Sweden (Charles XII) and Russia (Peter the Great). Russian soldiers terrorized Finland for years, raping women, murdering innocent people and looting villages. They also have destroyed the church of Paltamo together with its archives.
Both starvation and the ongoing war resulted in a reduction of the Finish population from 1,000,000 to 250,000 in that period.
The first written “sign of life” on Daniel Cajanus after this period dates from 1723. Together with his father, a servant and a maid, he is registered as taxpayer and living in a farm called Pyyköllä. His father Anders died in 1730..
Poland 1724-1733
Daniel Cajanus left Finland in 1724 and never returned there. However, after his death in 1749 an inventory was made, mentioning several letters from his brothers. This implicates that Daniel Cajanus never had lost contact with his family. He even mentions his family and specifically his sisters in one of his last wills
He is reported visiting royal families and showing himself for money.
He is reported serving the cavalry as banner-bearer in the army of King August II, nicknamed “Strong August”, of Poland.
August II died in 1733. Daniel Cajanus is painted in a Polish military outfit on both paintings mentioned above.
England 1734
Cajanus was painted in England by Enoch Seeman in 1734. Most probably he served the Count of Montague, who lived in Boughton house, Kettering, England. This count loved freaks.
There was also a Scottish folk tale about Daniel Cajanus, presumably because the Seeman painting moved to Dalkeith Palace (owned by the Buccleuch family) in Scotland in 1767.
“A long time ago, Sir William Barclay, Lord of Redcastle, Inverkeilor, Scotland brought with him a Swedish giant of 10 foot named Daniel Cajanus and a Danish midget called Licinius Calvus. At a certain diner there was not a sign of life of the midget. But suddenly he jumped out of a giant pie. The two of them became friends for life and dedicated servants. Cajanus defended the castle against many raids by the Vikings. During one of these fights he was killed and subsequently Licinius died of grief”.
[At the beginning of the 17th century, the Duke of Buckingham had a midget servant named “Jeffrey Hudson”. He was “served” in a giant pie at a diner].
C.F. Fritzsch, 1751
“Afbeelding der Binneplaats van de Herberg van ouds genaamt Blaauw Jan”
Picture of the courtyard of the Blaauw-Jan inn.
Uitlegging dezer Prentverbeelding:
"De Herberg van ouds genaamt BLAAUW JAN, staande op de Colveniers Burgwal te Amsterdam, is zo bekent, dat geen Vreemdeling de Stad verlaat, zonder de Merkwaardigheden daar eens te bezigtigen. Het zijn die Merkwaardigheden die in deeze Plaat verbeeld zijn. De open Plaats met zijn cierlijke Volliere agter die Herberg word hier vertoont met alles wat, zo daar, als in particuliere Kamers is te zien. Als: 1. Een paar Struisvogels. 2. Een Jonge Leeuw met zijn Leeuwen. 3. Verscheide Tijgers. 4. Twee Oost-Indische Vogels, Casuaris genaamt. 5. Een boer genaamt WYBRANT LOLKES, gebooren in Friesland, op het Dorp Oosten, die den 2 Maart 1751, 26 Jaar oud is geweest, en niet hooger is dan 29 Duim; waar achter, 6. geplaatst is de Berugte CAJANUS, die hier langen tijd te zien is geweest; doch naderhand in het Proveniershuis te Haarlem is overleeden: Hij was 8 Amsterdamsche voeten en 9 duim hoog. Binnen de Volliere zijn rondom Hokken, waar in verscheide vreemde Vogels en Dieren; en in het midden zijn een menigte van Harten, Reën, Paauwen, Baviaanen, Aapen, Vreemde Hoenders, Caketoes, en andere Gediertens, te breedvoerig om hier te verbeelden, hebbende alleen getragt het voornaamste in deeze Plaat te brengen, kunnende een ieder dagelijks de Plaats zelve bezigtigen."
Legends to the picture:
The famous Inn Blaauw Jan (Blue John) at the “Kloveniersburgwal” in Amsterdam. Almost every stranger visits this place to have a look at the various oddities, which are exhibited in this place. This pictures shows a selection of these oddities. In the courtyard with the beautiful birdhouse and the cages the following oddities can be seen: 1. A couple of Ostriches. 2. A Young Lion with its Lions. 3. Various Tigers. 4. Two east Indian birds called Casuaris. 5. A Friesian farmer called WYBRANT LOLKES from the village of Oosten (the Netherlands) 26 years of age at 2 March 1751 and not higher than 29 thumbs; behind him the famous CAJANUS is positioned, who showed himself many times in this inn, but later died in the “Proveniershuis” in Haarlem, the Netherlands: He was 8 Amsterdam feet and 9 thumbs. In the birdhouse several cages are placed at the periphery in which exotic birds and animals are living, and in the center: Dear, Peacocks, Baboons, Monkeys, strange Galliformes and more animals not further mentioned by name. It has been attempted to depict the most important items. One can now have a close look at this picture every day.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1734-1741 and 1742-1745
In those days one of the most famous inns in Amsterdam was named: “Blaauw-Jan” (Blue - John)
In the courtyard of this inn was a little zoo with exotic animals and at times when there was no fair, one could meet giants, midgets, freaks, Tartars, Eskimo’s and other odd and exotic people there., Daniel Cajanus played checkers with the guests of this inn. He is depicted on a picture dating from 1751 by C.F. Fritzsch (made after his death) and he is also depicted playing checkers on a picture dating from 1802.
The money he earns by exhibiting himself, he immediately lends to other people: 9000 Dutch Guilders at a yearly interest of 4% to Anthony van Eck, merchant in Amsterdam in 1737, 3000 Guilders at a yearly interest of 7% to Willem Pelgrom, Amsterdam in 1738 and 3000 Guilders at a yearly interest of 7% interest to the Metz brothers in 1739, owners of an Inn called “Het Vergulde Vlies” located in Haarlem and previous owners (till 1737) of the Blaauw Jan inn. This way he assured himself of a place to stay while visiting Haarlem. However only part of the money he lends to others will be eventually returned to him.
Paris, France 1735
Daniel Cajanus is reported exhibiting himself for money for 15 days between 9.00 and 12.00 and between 13.00 and 19.00 h. in Hotel de la Porte Royale in Paris, France.
“il a fait l’étonnement des Rois & Princes chez qui il a passé par son extraordinaire grandeur” (He has shown himself to the French King and Queen and they were very impressed by his length).
Cajanus playing checkers in the “Blaauw-Jan” inn. Picture dating from 1802 published in “Almanac tot Nut van ‘t Algemeen”
England 1741-1742
Before leaving for England for the second time, Daniel Cajanus and his companion Roelof Sweris visit the office of notary Joan Andriesz Calkoen in Amsterdam on October 27th , 1741. They officially agree that the money earned by Cajanus by exhibiting himself would be split, after subtraction of the bill of expenses and the bill of his gown, in a 3/5 share for Daniel Cajanus and a 2/5 share for Roelof Sweers.
“The Daily Advertiser” of 17 September 1742 mentions:
“This day is published, price fourpence, finely bound, The history of Cajanus, the Swedish Giant, from his birth to the present time, who is now alive and to be seen opposite the Mansion House, London. By the author of Gigantick Histories, Printed from Thomas Boreman, Bookseller in Guildhall, London”, referring to a booklet at the size of a matchbox.
The same newspaper reports on this “Living Colossus”:
….who has been these five weeks very dangerously ill of fever, which has occasioned a report of his death..”.
However, fully recovered he exhibited himself to the public between 9.00 and 20.00 h.
“This is really the same giant as has been shewn to great numbers of the nobility and gentry, notwithstanding the petty insinuations of some people (upon hearing of his recovery) to the contrary”.
Another advertisement of those days reads:
“This is to acquaint gentlemen and ladies, that prodigy of nature, the Living Colossus, or Wonderful Giant from Sweden, is now to be seen, at the Lottery Office, next door to the Green Man, Charing Cross. It is humbly presumed that of all natural curiosities which have been exhibited to the publick, nothing has appeared for many ages so extraordinary in its way as this surprising gentleman. He is near a foot taller than the late famous Saxon, or any person ever yet seen in Europe, large in proportion; and all who have hitherto seem him declare, notwithstanding the prodigious accounts they had heard, that he far exeeds any idea they had fram’d of him”.
Haarlem, the Netherlands, 1745-1749
Daniel Cajanus had already visited Haarlem 3 - 4 times between 1734 and 1741. He definitely settles there on 18 October 1745 at the age of 44 in a little house, belonging to a charitable institution for old pensioners which in those days was called “proveniershuis” where he was assured of lodging and nursing for the rest of his life at the total costs of 2800 Dutch guilders paid in advance. He freely walked around in Haarlem, not officially exhibiting himself for money, wearing a red or blue Polish costume and wearing a wig, a hat with a golden rim and carrying a cane. These items were also reported in the inventory which was made after his death.
He still earned money by regularly exhibiting himself in the “Blaauw-Jan” inn in Amsterdam, and continued lending this money to others. Daniel Cajanus also wrote several poems in Dutch, thereby earning a small amount of money as well.
Daniel Cajanus had 3 wills made, one on 11 June 1746, another 30 July 1746 and the final one on 16 February 1748.
Signature of Daniel Cajanus on an official document from the notary Jacob Elout, 1746
Daniel Cajanus died 27 February 1749 at the age of 46 in the “proveniershuis”. The cause of his death is not known. Several bills of doctors and pharmacists were found after his death. His legacy was 2000 Guilders. He was buried 3 March 1749 in the Great = St Bavo Church in Haarlem. As it was impossible to carry the coffin because of its length and weight, it was placed on a specially prepared cart with 4 wheels drawn by 2 horses.
2 Marble markings on one of the pillars in this church mark the height of Daniel Cajanus and a midget from Zandvoort, the Netherlands named Simon Jane Paap (1789 - 1828), who had a length of 75 cm ((2 feet 6 inches). Also two lithographs of the giant and the midget made by Johannes Reekers (1790-1858) are exhibited in this church.
Lithograph of Daniel Cajanus by J. Reekers (1790-1858) reproduced from the painting by B. Brand. This lithograph is exhibited in the great or Sint Bavo Church in Haarlem.
At the left a ruler showing the Dutch length of “3 el, 6 palm, 3 duim and 1 streep”. At the right: a lantern, a Gouda pipe (the story goes that Cajanus lit his pipe at a city lantern hanging at the top of the shed of the blacksmith). Also shown are his cane and a shoe.
In the Frans Hals museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands, his gown and 3 shoes as well as the midget’s outfit are exhibited. These items were proudly shown to president Theodore Roosevelt at the occasion of his visit in 1910. The anatomical museum of Leiden, the Netherlands, still has a left femur, a tibia and part of the pelvis of Daniel Cajanus in its collection. Other parts of his skeleton have been lost in time.
Gown and shoes of Daniel Cajanus and Simon Jane Paap, exhibited in the Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands.
When visiting England again in 1741 and 1742 and appearing before a meeting of the Royal Society, where his height was marked against a pillar and reported to be 7 feet 4 1/4 inches (2.242 m) in his shoes. This is the height we have used.
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
2 marble markings on one of the pillars in the church mark the height of Daniel Cajanus and a midget from Zandvoort, the Netherlands named Simon Jane Paap (1789 - 1828). Cajanus' marking is at 8'8"!
Clothes belonging to Daniel Cajanus in the Frans Hals museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands, 1936.
Close-up of the name tag on the previous image.
Close-up of the name tag on the previous image.
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Image(s) of Malee Duangdee, Ijaz Ahmed and Yao Defen added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Albert Johan Kramer, Rigardus Rijnhout, Eleanor Wagner, Alam Channa, Musutaman, Leonid Stadnyk, Alexander Sizonenko, Bao Xi Shun and Ijaz Ahmed added.
Image(s) of Rob Bruintjes added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Rik Smits, Jakob Nacken, Liu Yu-Qing and Serge Zwikker added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Robert Zwaan, Albert Johan Kramer, Rigardus Rijnhout, Christopher Greener, Ted Evans, Suleiman Ali Nashnush, Gabriel Estęvăo Monjane, Erhard Weller, Rosa Wedsted, General Articles, Kaatje van Dyk, Dora Helms, Heinz Kleinau and Rob Bruintjes added.
Image(s) of Gertrude Hall added. Newspaper clipping(s) about Robert Zwaan, Jack Earle and Albert Johan Kramer added.
Information about Amalie Schulte added.
Page for Annie Irwin added.
Image(s) of Carl Sandell, Damiao Rodrigues and Montana Hank added. Newspaper clipping(s) about Bernardo Gilli and Patrick Cotter O'Brien added.
Image(s) of Morteza Mehrzad added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Gilbert Reichert added.
Video(s) of Bao Xi Shun and Zhang Jun-Cai added.
Image(s) of Morteza Mehrzad and John Aasen added.
Morteza Mehrzad has been upgraded to 8 feet and 1 inch tall as discussed in this thread on our discussion forum.
Image(s) of Zhao Liang, Wang Tong Xin and Huang Chang-Chiu added.
Image(s) of Montana Hank, Henry Johnson, Captain John Creech, Jan Kruminsh, Ijaz Ahmed and Bob Wegner added. Video(s) of Brahim Takioullah and Babu added.
R.I.P. Suparwono.
Page for Martin Ruboga added. Newspaper clipping(s) about Eddie Carmel added.
Page for Yossi Ben Naim added.
Image(s) of Bob Wegner and Homer Parks added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Ted Evans and John Turner added. Video(s) of Paul Sturgess added. Information about Robert Hales added.
Image(s) of Bob Wegner, Bao Xi Shun, Gheorghe Muresan, Paul Sturgess, Yasutaka Okayama, Aurangzeb Khan, Zhang Jun-Cai, Hussain Bisad and Mamadou Ndiaye added. Video(s) of Ijaz Ahmed, Sultan Kösen, Yasutaka Okayama and Gheorghe Muresan added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Frederick William Randall Chadwick, Martin Salmerón, Igor Vovkovinskiy and James Patrick Tolley added.
Page for Peerken van Gorp added.
Newspaper clipping(s) about Charles Freeman and Jean Bihin added.
Image(s) of Feodor Machnow added. Newspaper clipping(s) about Louis Frenz and Angelina Melius added.
Page for Benjamin Harrison added. Video(s) of Neil Fingleton added.
Image(s) of Ijaz Ahmed and Felipe Birriel Fernández added.
[....some older news snipped....]
17-06-2009: Installed discussion forum. You can join it here...
12-06-2009: Started building the website.